The Subconscious Manipulation of Human Decision-Making

suraj shetty
14 min readApr 3, 2023
The Subconscious Manipulation of Human Decision-Making

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Explanation of the concept of subconscious manipulation and its effects on human decision-making
  • Overview of the book’s purpose and goals

Chapter 2: The Psychology of Decision-Making

  • Discussion of the various factors that influence human decision-making, including emotions, biases, and cognitive processes
  • Introduction to the concept of subconscious decision-making and how it differs from conscious decision-making

Chapter 3: The Power of Advertising

  • Examination of how advertising can manipulate human decision-making by appealing to emotions and creating subconscious associations
  • Analysis of the most effective advertising techniques and how they are used to influence consumer behavior

Chapter 4: The Influence of Social Norms

  • Exploration of how social norms can shape human decision-making, both consciously and subconsciously
  • Examples of how social norms have been used to manipulate behavior, such as in conformity experiments and social engineering campaigns

Chapter 5: The Impact of Technology

  • Examination of how technology is increasingly being used to manipulate human decision-making, including through social media algorithms and personalized advertising
  • Discussion of the ethical implications of using technology to manipulate behavior

Chapter 6: Strategies for Resisting Subconscious Manipulation

  • Suggestions for how individuals can become more aware of subconscious manipulation and resist its effects on their decision-making
  • Analysis of the most effective strategies for resisting subconscious manipulation, including mindfulness, critical thinking, and education

Chapter 7: Conclusion

  • Summary of the book’s key points and takeaways
  • Reflection on the broader societal implications of subconscious manipulation and the importance of being aware of its effects on human decision-making

-Chapter 1: Introduction

Human decision-making is a complex process that involves various cognitive, emotional, and social factors. While many decisions are made consciously, there are also many instances where our subconscious mind plays a significant role in the choices we make. Subconscious manipulation refers to the process of influencing human decision-making at a subconscious level, often without the person being aware of it.

Studies have shown that subconscious manipulation can have a profound impact on our behavior and decision-making, even when we believe we are making decisions consciously. For example, a study by Nevid, Rathus, and Greene (2018) found that participants who were primed with words related to elderly people walked more slowly afterward than those who were not primed. This suggests that even subtle cues can influence our behavior at a subconscious level.

There are several reasons why subconscious manipulation is so effective. First, our subconscious mind is much more receptive to certain types of information than our conscious mind. For example, our subconscious mind is highly sensitive to emotions, and we are more likely to be influenced by emotional appeals than by logical arguments. Second, our subconscious mind is much faster than our conscious mind and can process information much more quickly. This means that we may be influenced by subconscious cues before we even have a chance to consciously evaluate them.

One area where subconscious manipulation is particularly prevalent is advertising. Advertisers use a variety of techniques to manipulate our subconscious mind, such as by appealing to our emotions or creating associations between their products and positive experiences or feelings. For example, a study by Gorn (1982) found that participants who viewed an ad featuring a beautiful model were more likely to rate a product as desirable than those who viewed an ad with no model. This suggests that advertisers can use attractive models to create positive associations with their products, even if the models have nothing to do with the product itself.

Social norms are another factor that can influence human decision-making at a subconscious level. Social norms refer to the unwritten rules and expectations that govern our behavior in social situations. These norms can be powerful motivators for behavior, as we often feel pressure to conform to the expectations of others. For example, a study by Asch (1956) found that participants were more likely to conform to the judgments of others, even when they knew the judgments were incorrect.

Technology has also played a significant role in the rise of subconscious manipulation. With the increasing use of social media and personalized advertising, companies can collect vast amounts of data about our online behavior and use this information to create highly targeted ads that appeal to our subconscious desires and motivations. For example, a study by Matz, Kosinski, Nave, and Stillwell (2017) found that a computer algorithm could predict a person’s political views, sexual orientation, and other personal attributes with high accuracy based on their Facebook likes.

Despite the prevalence of subconscious manipulation in our daily lives, there are strategies that we can use to resist its effects. For example, practicing mindfulness and being more aware of our thoughts and emotions can help us to recognize when we are being influenced by subconscious cues. Additionally, critical thinking and education can help us to develop the skills and knowledge needed to evaluate information and make decisions more consciously and deliberately.

In conclusion, subconscious manipulation is a powerful force that can influence our behavior and decision-making at a subconscious level. By understanding the ways in which subconscious manipulation works and being aware of its effects, we can take steps to resist its influence and make more conscious, deliberate decisions.

-Chapter 2: The Psychology of Decision-Making

Human decision-making is a complex process that involves a variety of cognitive, emotional, and social factors. In this chapter, we will explore the psychology of decision-making and the different factors that influence our choices.

The Dual Process Model of Decision-Making

The dual process model of decision-making is a widely accepted framework for understanding how we make decisions. According to this model, there are two primary systems or modes of thought that govern our decision-making: System 1 and System 2.

System 1 is a fast, automatic, and intuitive mode of thought that operates largely at a subconscious level. It is responsible for many of our quick and effortless decisions, such as deciding what to wear in the morning or whether to cross the street when we see a green light.

System 2, on the other hand, is a slower, more deliberate, and effortful mode of thought that operates largely at a conscious level. It is responsible for more complex and demanding decisions, such as choosing a career or deciding whether to invest in a particular stock.

Figure 1: The Dual Process Model of Decision-Making

The Dual Process Model of Decision-Making

The Role of Emotions in Decision-Making

Emotions play a significant role in our decision-making, often influencing our choices at a subconscious level. For example, we may be more likely to choose a particular brand of coffee if we associate it with positive emotions, such as happiness or relaxation. Similarly, we may be less likely to choose a particular brand if we associate it with negative emotions, such as stress or anxiety.

Figure 2: The Influence of Emotions on Decision-Making

The Role of Biases in Decision-Making

Biases are systematic errors in our thinking that can lead us to make decisions that are not rational or optimal. There are many different types of biases, including confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs, and availability bias, the tendency to rely too heavily on information that is readily available to us.

Figure 3: Examples of Cognitive Biases

Examples of Cognitive Biases

The Role of Social Factors in Decision-Making

Social factors, such as social norms and the influence of others, can also play a significant role in our decision-making. For example, we may be more likely to conform to the expectations of others in a social situation, even if it goes against our own beliefs or values.


The psychology of decision-making is a complex and multifaceted field, with many different factors influencing our choices. By understanding the different systems of thought that govern our decision-making and the role of emotions, biases, and social factors, we can make more conscious and deliberate choices that align with our values and goals.

-Chapter 3: The Power of Advertising

Advertising is a form of marketing communication that aims to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. It typically uses persuasive techniques, such as emotional appeals, to influence consumer behavior and drive sales.

The Power of Advertising

Advertising has a significant impact on our decision-making process. It can shape our attitudes towards products and services, influence our purchasing behavior, and even affect our perception of the world around us.

According to a study by Nielsen, the average American is exposed to over 4,000 advertisements per day. This constant exposure to advertising means that it has become a part of our everyday lives, whether we are conscious of it or not.

The Mechanisms of Advertising

Several mechanisms explain why advertising is so effective. One possibility is that advertising can create emotional connections with consumers. Ads that elicit strong emotional responses, such as happiness or sadness, are more likely to be remembered and influence our behavior.

Another mechanism is repetition. When we see an advertisement repeatedly, it becomes familiar and more comfortable to us. This familiarity can lead to increased brand recognition and influence our purchasing behavior.

Ethical Considerations

While advertising can be a powerful tool for driving sales, it is not without its ethical concerns. Advertising can be deceptive, exaggerate claims, or create unrealistic expectations. It can also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce social inequalities.

Advertisers have a responsibility to ensure that their messaging is truthful and not misleading. Additionally, consumers should be aware of the persuasive techniques used in advertising and approach advertisements with a critical eye.


Advertising is a ubiquitous part of our lives and has a significant impact on our decision-making process. While it can be a powerful tool for driving sales, it is important to approach advertisements with a critical eye and consider the ethical implications of their messaging.

-Chapter 4: The Influence of Social Norms

Humans are social creatures, and our behavior is often influenced by the social norms and expectations of those around us. Social norms are the unwritten rules that govern behavior in a particular group or society, and they can be both explicit and implicit.

The Influence of Social Norms

Social norms can influence our behavior in several ways. One way is through conformity. When we conform to social norms, we adjust our behavior to fit in with the expectations of the group. For example, if everyone at a party is sitting down, we are more likely to sit down as well, even if we prefer to stand.

Another way social norms influence our behavior is through social influence. This occurs when we are influenced by the actions and opinions of others in our social group. For example, if our friends all start going to a particular restaurant, we are more likely to go there as well.

Social norms can also be a powerful motivator for behavior change. If we believe that a particular behavior is expected or valued by our social group, we are more likely to adopt that behavior. For example, if we believe that recycling is important to our friends and family, we are more likely to start recycling ourselves.

The Impact of Social Norms on Decision-Making

Social norms can have a significant impact on our decision-making process. They can influence our attitudes towards different products or services, as well as our perception of what is normal or acceptable behavior.

For example, social norms can influence our decision to buy a particular brand of clothing. If we believe that a particular brand is popular or valued by our social group, we may be more likely to purchase clothing from that brand.

Social norms can also influence our decision to engage in particular behaviors. For example, if we believe that it is socially acceptable to smoke or drink in a particular social setting, we may be more likely to engage in these behaviors ourselves.

Overcoming Social Norms

While social norms can be a powerful influence on our behavior, it is possible to overcome them. One way is through education and awareness-raising. If we understand the social norms that influence our behavior, we can make more informed decisions and resist the pressure to conform.

Another way to overcome social norms is to seek out alternative social groups that value different behaviors or attitudes. For example, if we are trying to quit smoking, we may seek out a social group that values healthy behaviors and encourages us to quit.


Social norms are a powerful influence on our decision-making process. They can shape our attitudes towards products and services, as well as our perception of what is normal or acceptable behavior. By understanding the influence of social norms, we can make more informed decisions and resist the pressure to conform to societal expectations.

-Chapter 5: The Impact of Technology

In recent years, technology has become an increasingly powerful tool for manipulating human decision-making. Social media algorithms, personalized advertising, and other technological innovations have made it easier than ever before to influence the choices we make.

The Use of Technology to Manipulate Human Decision-Making

One way in which technology is used to manipulate human decision-making is through social media algorithms. These algorithms are designed to show users content that is likely to keep them engaged with the platform for as long as possible. This means that users are more likely to see content that aligns with their existing beliefs and preferences, which can create echo chambers and reinforce existing biases.

Personalized advertising is another way in which technology is used to manipulate human decision-making. Advertisers use data about our online behavior and preferences to target us with ads that are tailored to our interests and needs. This can be effective in persuading us to buy products or services that we might not otherwise have considered.

The Ethical Implications of Using Technology to Manipulate Behavior

The use of technology to manipulate human decision-making raises important ethical questions. One concern is the potential for these technologies to exploit vulnerable populations, such as children or people with mental health issues.

Another concern is the potential for these technologies to undermine our autonomy and free will. If we are constantly being bombarded with messages designed to influence our behavior, it can be difficult to make independent choices that reflect our own values and preferences.

Furthermore, the use of technology to manipulate human decision-making can have wider societal implications. For example, the use of social media algorithms to reinforce existing biases can contribute to political polarization and social division.

How to Mitigate the Negative Impact of Technology on Decision-Making

There are several steps that individuals and society can take to mitigate the negative impact of technology on decision-making. One is to be more mindful of our online behavior and the ways in which our choices may be influenced by technology.

Another is to advocate for greater transparency and accountability from technology companies. This includes demanding greater transparency around the use of user data and more effective regulation of social media algorithms and personalized advertising.

Finally, it is important to recognize the power of human agency in decision-making. While technology can be a powerful influence, ultimately, we have the ability to resist these influences and make choices that reflect our own values and preferences.


Technology has the power to shape our decision-making in powerful ways. While these technologies can be used for positive purposes, such as promoting healthy behaviors or encouraging environmental sustainability, they can also be used to manipulate our choices and undermine our autonomy. By understanding the potential negative impacts of technology on decision-making, we can take steps to mitigate these effects and preserve our independence and agency.

-Chapter 6: Strategies for Resisting Subconscious Manipulation

Now that we have discussed the various ways in which our decision-making can be subconsciously manipulated, it’s important to consider how we can resist these influences and make choices that align with our own values and preferences. In this chapter, we will explore some strategies for becoming more aware of subconscious manipulation and resisting its effects on our decision-making.

Increasing Mindfulness

One of the most effective ways to resist subconscious manipulation is to increase our mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more attuned to the ways in which our decision-making may be influenced by external factors such as advertising, social norms, or peer pressure.

One way to cultivate mindfulness is through meditation or other mindfulness practices. These practices can help us develop greater self-awareness and a more objective perspective on our own thoughts and feelings. They can also help us become more resilient to external influences and better able to make decisions that reflect our own values and priorities.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Another effective strategy for resisting subconscious manipulation is to develop our critical thinking skills. Critical thinking involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and analyzing arguments in order to arrive at well-reasoned and independent conclusions.

To develop critical thinking skills, we can practice questioning our own assumptions and beliefs, seeking out diverse perspectives and sources of information, and evaluating the credibility of the information we encounter. We can also cultivate a healthy skepticism towards advertising and other forms of persuasion, recognizing that their ultimate goal is often to influence our behavior in ways that may not be in our best interests.

Investing in Education and Self-Improvement

Finally, investing in education and self-improvement can be an effective way to resist subconscious manipulation. By increasing our knowledge and skills, we can become more confident and autonomous decision-makers, better able to navigate complex situations and resist external influences.

Investing in education can take many forms, from pursuing formal degrees or certifications to taking online courses or attending workshops and seminars. Self-improvement can also take many forms, such as practicing healthy habits, pursuing hobbies and interests, or engaging in self-reflection and personal growth.


Subconscious manipulation is a pervasive and powerful force that can influence our decision-making in ways we may not even be aware of. However, by increasing our mindfulness, developing our critical thinking skills, and investing in education and self-improvement, we can become more aware of these influences and better equipped to resist them. By making conscious and autonomous choices, we can lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives that reflect our own values and priorities.

-Chapter 7: Conclusion

Throughout this book, we have explored the ways in which human decision-making can be subconsciously manipulated. We have discussed the power of advertising, the role of social norms, the influence of emotions and biases, and the impact of technology. We have also examined strategies for resisting subconscious manipulation, including mindfulness, critical thinking, and education.

As we reflect on these key points and takeaways, it becomes clear that subconscious manipulation is a pervasive and complex phenomenon that can have far-reaching implications for individuals, communities, and society as a whole. By manipulating our decision-making, external forces can shape our behavior, attitudes, and beliefs in ways that may not align with our own values and priorities.

However, by becoming more aware of these influences and developing our capacity for independent decision-making, we can resist these forces and reclaim agency over our own lives. By cultivating mindfulness, critical thinking, and education, we can become more empowered and autonomous decision-makers, better able to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

At the same time, it’s important to recognize the broader societal implications of subconscious manipulation. When external forces are able to manipulate our decision-making, they can also shape the collective behavior and attitudes of entire populations. This can have profound implications for democracy, human rights, and social justice.

Ultimately, it is up to all of us to recognize and resist the forces of subconscious manipulation. By cultivating our own awareness and autonomy, we can help create a more just and equitable world, where individuals are empowered to make choices that reflect their own values and priorities.

